Aberdeen Drift Buster Snowmobile Club Poker “Chip” Run
Aberdeen Drift Buster Snowmobile Club Poker “Chip” Run – $1000.00 payout!
Open to the public and all Aberdeen Drift Buster Snowmobile Club Members.
An event like no other!
The Aberdeen Drift Buster Snowmobile Club is hosting a Poker Run with a twist! We will be using poker chips to have a reverse drawing down to our final three winners. The event will run exactly like a traditional Poker Run, except at the end of the run we will draw chips out in reverse format to obtain the last three winning participants.
Saturday, February 3rd, 2024
Cost to enter is $20.00 per poker chip per person, with a maximum of five poker chips total.
Start and Finish:
The event will start and end at the Crossing Bar at Mina Lake. The event is designed as a snowmobile poker chip run if we have snow. 11:00 am start with snow and snowmobiles (Traveling the Dakota Midland Trail) or without snow and traveling by UTV, or vehicle. (Must stay on designated travel roads) This means you Dan!
*Event registration opens at 11:00 and closes at 11:30 pm. Event will finish at the Crossing Bar at 5:00 pm sharp!
Poker Chip Run Travel Stops:
Crossing Bar – Poker Chip Run Start (11:00 am with Snow/ & Snowmobiles or No Snow/ & Vehicles)
The Richmond Oasis – One of the designated Poker Chip Run stops
Karen’s Place in Columbia – One of the designated Poker Chip Run stops
Crossing Bar – Poker Chip Run End (5:00pm sharp!)
Poker Chip Run Payout:
The Aberdeen Drift Buster Snowmobile Club will be paying out a total of $1000.00 for this event. $600.00 for first, $300.00 for second. and $100.00 for third. In addition, there will be a second chance drawing for participating at all the stops. (Second Chance Drawing to consist of a bonus entry for valuable door prizes for participating at all of the Poker Chip Run stops.)
Additional Information can be found on the Aberdeen Drift Buster Snowmobile Clun Facebook Page.