SDSA South Dakota Snowmobile Association News with the Aberdeen Drift Buster Snowmobile Club
Aberdeen Drift Buster Snowmobile Club receives awards at the 55th Annual South Dakota Snowmobile Association Convention

Largest Club
SDSA Largest Club – Aberdeen Drift Buster Snowmobile Club

Teen of the Year
SDSA Teen of the Year – Jaden Rohrbach

Groomer of the Year
SDSA Groomer of the Year – Sunny Pence

Family of the Year
SDSA Snowmobile Family of the Year – Olson Family (Lee, Tracy, and Matt)
Aberdeen Drift Buster Snowmobile Club makes donation to SDSA Snowmobilers for Snowmobilers Cause.

A special night for the Aberdeen Drift Busters Snowmobile Club. As the result of the Ace of Hearts drawing hosted by Karen’s Bar and Grill the Aberdeen Drift Buster Snowmobile Club was awarded a check for $6822.50. The Club was so moved by this donation that Aberdeen Drift Buster Snowmobile Club donated half of the proceeds of $3411.25 back to Karen’s Bar and Grill and the other half of $3411.25 was donated on behalf of Karen’s Bar and Grill along with the Aberdeen Drift Buster Snowmobile Club to the South Dakota Snowmobile Association (Snowmobilers for Snowmobilers Cause).
Aberdeen Drift buster Snowmobile Club was recognized as the largest club in South Dakota for 2022/2023 snowmobile season.
Aberdeen Drift Busters Snowmobile Club members accept plaque for Largest Snowmobile Club awarded by South Dakota Snowmobile Association (2022-2023). Members present were (left to right): Kelly Weaver, Lyle Matthaei, Jim Weaver, Joan Matthaei, Al Nagel, Ann Nagel, Chris Van Den Hemel, Kirsten Van Den Hemel, Lee Olson and Tracy Olson.
(January 8, 2024) The Aberdeen Drift Busters Snowmobile Club was recognized as the largest snowmobile club in South Dakota. The award is given annually by the South Dakota Snowmobile Association (SDSA) at their annual convention. This year’s convention was hosted by the Siouxland SnoTrackers in Sioux Falls on December 1-2, 2023. Several members of the Aberdeen Drift Busters were on hand to accept the award. (see picture below).
The Aberdeen Drift Busters Club is a charter member of SDSA, both of which were founded in 1969, and support the sport of snowmobiling as a safe and family friendly recreational activity. This club has a long-established history of participating in the leadership at the state and national levels. Currently, there are four Drift Busters serving in state leadership roles including Kelly Weaver, SDSA President; Lee Olson, SDSA District 3 Director; Chris Van Den Hemel, YETIS representative; and Al Nagel, Vice-Chair of the Governor’s Snowmobile Advisory Council. YETIS is the youth leadership group that SDSA created in 2016 which stands for Youth Empowerment Through Involvement in Snowmobiling.
The Aberdeen Drift Busters maintain and groom 72 miles of snowmobile trail each year to provide a safe riding corridor connections area communities. The trail includes routes from Aberdeen to Mina, Richmond, Westport, Frederick and Columbia. The club also sponsors trail rides and social events and promotes safety through the an online safety course available to all snowmobilers. To learn more about the Drift Busters, visit their website at or come to a club meeting, held on the 1st Thursday of each month. To learn more about SDSA and the YETIS, visit